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This Pilgrim Priest: Recollections From the Priesthood Monsignor Ben Kasteel

This Pilgrim Priest: Recollections From the Priesthood Monsignor Ben Kasteel

Regular price $29.09 USD
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From its inception, the memoirs of This Pilgrim Priest aspired to be more than the story of a missionary priest from Holland. The main subject, Monsignor Ben Kasteel, made his intentions clear. . . "not a book about me, but about the priesthood." Our collective goal was to convey meaningful, enlightening, authentic experiences and insights from Roman Catholic priesthood, and thereby illumine thousands of Godly men within its ranks. These pages incorporate the life events of one with the truths of many, revealing common challenges, joys, sacrifices, manifestations of grace, and the immense fulfillment imbued from priestly life.
ASIN: 0984120319
VSKU: AOV.0984120319.G
Condition: Good
Author/Artist:Ben Kasteel
Binding: Paperback
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