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Spiritual Identity and Spirit-Empowered Life: Discover Your Identity in God's Family, Purpose in God's Call, and Power in God's Spirit

Spiritual Identity and Spirit-Empowered Life: Discover Your Identity in God's Family, Purpose in God's Call, and Power in God's Spirit

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The world loves to place labels on people—even on followers of Christ. It’s difficult to see yourself as God sees you. But Thomson K. Mathew has created a three-dimensional model of Holy Spirit–empowered Christian identity that allows believers to remain whole in a broken world. Part 1, “Discovering Your Identity in God’s Family,” discusses the importance of your identity as a child of God, a disciple of Jesus, a citizen of God’s kingdom, and a person made whole through faith. Part 2, “Discovering Your Purpose in God’s Call,” discusses your calling as a hope-filled healer, believer, worshipper, leader, missionary, and prophet. Part 3, “Discovering Your Power in God’s Spirit,” dives into your position as the temple of the Holy Spirit, your gifts and blessings, and your place among God’s living saints. Mathew ends his book with a call to action focusing on your God-given anointing and empowerment through the Holy Spirit to fulfill your specific purpose on Earth. God wants you to know who you are in Him. Mathew’s prayer is that you’ll begin to see your own beauty and purpose so that you may walk in the knowledge that you are a powerful child of God!
ASIN: 1548856835
VSKU: AOV.1548856835.G
Condition: Good
Author/Artist:Mathew, Thomson K
Binding: Paperback
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